Welcome to my blog and thought space!

Hey there! It’s Austin here. If you’re reading this, dang! You really dug deep. I’m grateful for that and I’m grateful that you’re even taking the time to be here.

Typically, I’m known for my writing on job searching and careers. I spent 2+ years job searching before I landed a job at Microsoft where I spent the next 5 years. During that same period, I launched and grew my site Cultivated Culture where I teach people how to land jobs they love without applying online. It’s been a blast talking about careers, sharing the knowledge I’ve gained, and helping people land jobs.

But there is a LOT more to life than talking about careers!

Like you, I have goals, dreams, ambitions, worries, regret, anxiety, and a whole lot of other thoughts and feelings rushing through my head every day.

I wanted to create a space for those thoughts. The things I’m learning about, struggling with, and working on every day. Stuff like being a better husband, the ups and downs of building a business, dealing with anxiety and mental health as a man, and perfecting my homebrew recipes.

That’s what this blog is all about.

I created it as a way to transport the thoughts in my head onto a piece of paper in hopes of making sense of them. A place to share the good, the bad, the easy, and the hard.

There’s no structured cadence to the posts. I’ll be sharing them as the thoughts arise. Sometimes it might be once a week, other times it might be several per day.

If you’re coming along for the ride, I hope that some of the thoughts might be valuable. Either way, I appreciate you!

– Austin